Find out your telecommunications solution with our servicesTELECOMMUNICATIONS
Satellite Communications, Broadcast System, Microwave Radio, VoIP, IT & Security Systems.
Defense Systems and Technology
We also support you in defense systemsDEFENSE SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY
Helps you in defense systems and technology resources.
Lightning Protection Systems
Our solution includes for lightning protection systemsLIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS
Lightning protection systems are the modern development of the lightning rod.
Renewable Energy
We develop renewable energy for a better futureRENEWABLE ENERGY
Build your industry for a clean energy future with us.We Grown Up with The Best Team
Founded in february 1990 by senior and prominent figures in the telecommunications world. PT ADITECH MATRA has since then grown and developed to a company, offering products and services for a total solution in this challenging sector of the industry.

PT Aditech Matra with broad experiences and management capabilities we are ready to assist our customers in solving their telecommunications and broadcasting problems. We have more than 90 qualified employees. We are diversified import, planning, system integration, installation, maintainance and repairs.
PT. Aditech Matra is backed by a solid team of professional people, dedicated to achieve customer satisfaction. Our engineers always keep a breath to the latest technology and follow the required certification. This highly qualified team will ensure that we can provide a quick and responsive solution to your needs of communications and information infrastructures.
We assist in your telecommunications needs :
- PRODUCT : Being the partner and sole distributors of several foreign manufactures, we are very comfortable to contract and to supply you with various telecommunications products.
- SYSTEM : Just tell us your requirement and our experienced team will purpose the right design of the most efficient and tailored system to meet any of your needs for telecommunications.
- We assist you with a site survey when needed, the implementation of the installation and we back you up with the after-sales-warranty and service/maintenance.
- We will provide training to our engineers for the products or systems that you contract with us, so that you will feel rest assured to have an immediate, in house support to emergencies.
- Next to telecommunications, we also cover the other systems, such as TV and Radio Broadcating.